Metropolis Rise: New Art from London. Curated by Anthony Gross & Jen Wu
April - May 2006. CQL Design Center, Shanghai and 798 Space, DIAF, Beijing
(opens in a new window). For list of artists, see Curatorial CV

A grassroots survey of the London scene with over 50 London-based artists. Here we developed reading table structures that can be repeated and adapted to suit sculpture, video, photography, ephemera etc. The light wood tables reference both an anthropological display as well as a customs inspection desk. This allows one to take a different view of the idea of a 'survey' instead creating something more immediate, less museological. The customs notion addresses our thoughts on 'import / export' for this exhibition: going against the grain to 'import' UK art rather than 'export' art from China as would be the expectation. In this sense this exhibition, in fact the first survey show of art from the UK, breaks new ground and looks forward to the next stage of China's development culturally...

Curated by Anthony Gross and Jen Wu. Accompanied by a 198 page colour publication. Supported by Arts Council England, British Council Shanghai, British Council Beijing, CQL Design Center, BizArt and Thinking Hands.
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